
Friday, December 30, 2011

Let's Review

As we close out the year, I thought I'd follow suit with other favorite bloggers of mine and post a 2011 outfit retrospective. I had a really hard time picking outfits for some months! I even thought about doing a work AND a casual retrospective, but then there were those summer months that I really didn't have "work" outfits, per se. So I might have cheated and snuck in a few extras here and there...

Compiling this collage also made me evaluate a few things that I tried to do this year:
  • expand my casual dressing
  • find new (to me) ways of wearing pencil skirts
  • try not to wear pencil skirts ALL the time, though...
  • play with prints more often
  • feel more confident in skinny jeans
  • post more regularly
  • improve camera skills

And I think I did okay...

What will be in store for 2012?? I guess we shall see...


  1. Congrats on a great year!! You looked fantastic all through 2011 :) My very favorite look of all is March; gorgeous colors, great shape, and look at those legs!! Good luck with everything in 2012 :)

  2. Well I cant decide?!? You look Amazing in all your pic's!!  Keep throwing all your Fabulous ideas to us... My fave are the pencil skirts!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR... I cant wait to see more!!

  3. I voted HOT!! Feb. was my fav look. I just found your blog and I have been super inspired by your fashion ideas. You are a great inspiration for plus size women..Keep up the good work in 2012!

  4. Love these looks of 2011! Though you have changed it up, you really do rock the pencil skirts  :)

  5. Love the outfits you picked out, except I think the blue one you wore to that wedding - where you styled your mom - was one of my faves that's missing. Keep the looks coming in 2012, lady!

  6. I'm new to the blog, but I love this post and have certainly, over the past week or so (yes, I am very new), fallen in love with your style. Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store!

  7. So many great looks! I think the final December one might be my fave---what a fabulous top. :)

  8. definitely one of my faves too! thank you!!

  9. thank you so much for reading! i cant wait to see what it has in store, either!

  10. haha! thank you!! i'll never stop loving them...


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