
Friday, March 2, 2012

Leap of Faith

A leap year outfit (yes, I'm a little behind) has to be something out of the ordinary, I think - or at least out of the ordinary for the wearer. Thus, colored ankle pants!

Jacket - LOFT / Striped top - Banana Republic / Ankle pants - Talbots / Heels - Banana Republic

In truth, I've worn the pants before, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in them at the time. But I really wanted to celebrate the unseasonably warm springtime day with something nautical and colorful, so I lept for it. I love the coral and navy combination so much that I might have to do it again! Thanks to the longer lengths of the jacket (one of my favorites) and top (stripes!), I felt a little more covered and therefore more comfortable this time around.

The weather had to be out of the ordinary as well, I guess. Windy as hell and a balmy 68 degrees surely qualifies as such, no? I definitely wanted to take pictures outside, but the wind just didn't want to cooperate. Sure, the effortless windblown look is nice on occasion, but these gusts could have knocked me over if I let them. Perfect hair shots are replaced by goofy outtakes with me holding hair in place.

Rather than default to a white belt (and I really wanted a belt), I aimed to incorporate a third color - something on the darker end (it looked better with the jacket), but something that looked just as good with the color of the pants. Green? Not dark enough, and I wanted to save that for my handbag. (See below.) Teal? Teal! I was surprised how much I liked it against the navy, especially since it's not a typical combination.

Ring - Ruche (gifted) / Belt - The Limited / Necklace - Banana Republic (eBayed) /
Earrings - Ruche / Nailpolish - "Cute as a Button (Essie)

As if the wind wasn't enough, the sun/shade ratio in my usual photo locations weren't cooperating either, as you can tell by the shadow of my tripod and camera. Classy, eh? Oh leap year, you got me.

Handbag - Banana Republic


  1. You look stunning. Love the pop of color. You look great!

  2. I wouldn't have thought to belt a jacket like that, but I love the look!  Also, love those pants!

  3. Awesome combo! I did a similar look on my blog with bright yellow pants:


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