
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What a Pair

Okay, so I didn't get up this post last night like I had hoped. I was soooo close, but then boyfriend came home and distracted me. (Er, that sounds saucier than I meant it to... =7) And then I realized that I still had to figure out what the H I was going to wear the next day. Remembering that I would have to work in the evening, I was thrown for a loop to put together a comfortable (read: PMS friendly) outfit not involving jeans. Nearly the entire contents of my closet is now on the floor. Anyway, that's my excuse. I'm sure I'll touch on that again in today's actual outfit post - which I have EVERY intention of doing when I get home tonight!

But for now, we return to Saturday. Saturday promised to be a busy but delightful day of more holiday performances - two performances of Nutcracker, a kagillion performances of School of Music jazz ensembles, etc. etc. As I said in the post for Friday, I was committed to wearing some of my best wardrobe items for such a big day. What does this mean for Jessica's closet? Pencil skirt (of course), a great top, a statement necklace, and shoes in a great punch of color. Bam.

Puffy face c/o Boyfriend's spicy fried rice with jalapeƱos that smoked up the apartment
just before these pictures were taken.

I. love. this. outfit. Perhaps as much as, if not more than, the outfit I wore on Sunday. It really boils down to the top and the necklace. The top was a boutique find last fall, and I've worn it only a handful of times since. Actually, I wore a very similar version of this during last year's Nutcracker weekend, but with pants, and again on New Years, but with a black skirt. When worn with a skirt, however, I've found that, because of how short the top is, I need to belt it, otherwise its gets too boxy and my shape gets lost.

Like an idiot, I forgot to take close-ups when I was still wearing everything, so here are some individual close-ups:

Top - Elm Design (via local boutique)

The top is an architectural gem. The tied/bunched folds are totally customizable (it also continues in the back) and really make the neckline all the way around so eye-catching. It's also probably the most expensive item of clothing I own, but I believe it's been worth every penny. I've come to realize that I would much rather put down money for one piece of truly special clothing than ten pieces of average, ordinary clothing, I already have enough basics, of course, but when it comes to adding new things to my wardrobe, this principle has been my guiding light...(even if I don't always follow it....)

Necklace, ring and earrings - Banana Republic

This amazing necklace (and ring and earrings) is a Banana Republic piece (shocking). I had found it last winter after I purchased the shirt (a similar one is available now), but I think they are made for each other. I actually don't have many other tops that I can wear this necklace with - given how short the necklace is, I really need to have a portrait collar or boat neck in order to fill the neckline properly, and I just don't have many of them in the right color palette. So, these two pieces have become a duo.

This is the first time I've worn the top with a light colored pencil skirt, however, mostly because it's the first time I've had one in my closet! I really love the balance of colors as a result - neutrals, yes, but add the pops of burgundy in the belt, shoes and necklace, and it all comes together so nicely.

Skirt - NY&Co. / Double wrap belt - LOFT / Burgundy pumps - Charles by Charles David (via Zappos) /
Handbag - Tano "Minilisa" in Blue Marine

Le sigh. What a great weekend - working and all. Any day that I can feel good in my skin is a good day all around, regardless of what I'm doing. Period.


  1. holy moly girl, you KNOW how to wear a pencil skirt so well! love it! I've got a few in my closet but they don't hang just right, you know? :)

  2. Wow, you look absolutely stunning in this, sister! Wow! Just wow.


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