
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Give Pants a Chance

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you'll know that I rarely wear dress pants. The fact of the matter is, they I hate me and I hate them. Try as I might to find a suitable pair that fits and flatters, I always come out worse for wear in the experience and predictably empty-handed. But a basic dress pant is a wardrobe staple, right? I mean, as much as I love the skirt thing, sometimes you just want to put on some damn pants and call it a day, amirite? Happily, though somewhat frustratingly, I was able to find a basic black trouser that fit all my pant requirements: no muffin top (a somewhat higher rise is therefore my preference), no camel toe (DUH), longer length for heels (I'll never wear them with flats), and a leg opening on the wider end of things. Thank you, Lane Bryant, for having this pair not only in my size but also length in store so I could spend about an hour trying to figure out if they were worth it or not try and actually buy (with a coupon, of course.) But seriously, as basic black trousers go, these fit the bill nicely. So much so that I was finally, really, actually, able to give pants a chance...

Bolstered by this success, I decided to try Gap's Perfect Trousers a few weeks ago. They truly might have been "perfect" if not for my current size/weight/shape. Great colors/textures, ideal length, slimmer through the thigh, wide-but-not-excessively-so leg opening. YES! But, no. I couldn't keep the camel toe away long enough to convince me they were a good idea. I even went up a size, but then everything else I loved about the fit went away. And I just don't have the patience for a tailor. I may return to them when I shed a few pounds, but until then, black pants is alls I got. And if I'm being honest, maybe alls I need.

Smocked Waist Blouse In Chevron - TBags Los Angeles (via Gwynnie Bee) /
T3 Classic Trousers - Lane Bryant / Half-cami - Coobie (via

But the real victory of this outfit, and probably therefore of the pants, is the top. It just might be the nicest, comfiest, flatteringiest thing in my closet, and I don't even own it. That's right, Gwynnie Bee to the rescue once again for nice things that I could never own even if I wanted to. (Have you tried Gwynnie Bee yet???) I would LOVE to purchase this top - every time I peruse these pictures I sigh happily - but it's well over $100 even discounted though GB, and if I'm being honest with myself, I can only see myself wearing it like this or with my favorite jeans (which I've done a few times now as a great date-night get up - take away the cami and HELLO LOVELY CLEAVAGE!) No, I think I'll just continue to hoard this one a little while longer...

Ah, but the chevrons. And cobalt blue. And silky smooth fabric. And belly coverage. And cleavage (when appropriate)...

Handbag - Furla / Sandals - Nine West / Ring - H&M / Earrings - Lane Bryant (?) / 

And, oh yeah, pants.


  1. I tried New York & Company's dress pants after seeing them on your blog, and really like them. So, thanks for that :). I bought mine with a narrower leg fit though, because I don't like how wide legged pants look on me.

  2. yeah, i still loves me the NY&Co (and part of the problem all the ones i had just don't fit me), but they are ALWAYS sold out of their talls in their wide leg cuts. and the one time i got my hands on a pair, i still had fit issues in the crotch. the same thing with the gap styles, really. so i had to look elsewhere... blurg.

  3. The only 2 pairs of pants I have are from Lane Bryant. I need a black pair though so I'm heading online to check them out now.



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