
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Adventures in Remixing

I slept in today. And I "worked from home." No, actually, I did work a little from home. There's nothing better than answering work email in pajamas. (Besides NOT working, of course.) And I finished that darned schedule (yay!) while sitting at my kitchen table with a southern exposure. I did have to go in later this afternoon for a few meetings, so I attempted a little wardrobe remix for a more adventurous look that I probably would not have done otherwise. I figured - hey, if this doesn't work, people only have to see me for a few hours!

I can't tell you lovely it was to get a little more sleep.  I'm not quite caught up - and tomorrow's going to be a looooooooooong day - but I'm thankful for what I got. Tonight I have a volleyball game. As in, I'm playing in a volleyball game!  What-what?  On one hand I'd rather stay home and pretend that I am going to to bed early (it's a late game at 9:30pm!), but on the other, I think it will be good to get out and move around. I just might even sleep better!

The team, called the Boomslangs, is made up of a bunch of folks from work for a park district volleyball league.  Aside from being crazy tired, I am pretty stoked about playing tonight, and this league in general. I've fooled my teammates into thinking I'm a volleyball goddess, but just wait until they learn I'm all talk.  Muahahaha.   It's just nice to feel part of something. I'm more often than not pretty anti-social in my personal life. (In my public life - as patron services director, mind you - I'm actually really friendly and outgoing. I have a split personality, I guess.)  It takes a lot for me to get to know other people and, in turn, let them get to know me.  I don't really know where that came from, or when it started.  I think I became more anti-social in grad school, actually, and even more so since I started dating my BF 5 years ago.  But, I figure this is a good step forward - especially since it involves physical activity.  The last group physical activity I did was, hrmm, being manager of my HS varsity soccer team? I did a few yoga classes for while too, but I think that counts even less than than a soccer manager - in terms of group activities, anyway.

Does this blog count as a group activity? The cool thing about blogs is you feel like you are writing in a private journal, or something of the sort, when in reality everything you write becomes, literally, an open book.  It is, however, one of the reasons I started this blog. I really do want to connect with people, and I figured sharing my personal style with like-minded clothing-obsessed bloggers was a good place to start.

So on to the outfit!

As I said above, this is totally a wardrobe remix. These are all pieces I've had in my closet forever, but have never worn them together before.  No, that's a lie; I wear the jacket with the top together all the time... just not like this!

Beige stand-up collar jacket - Dress Barn / Green graphic tee - General Eccentric / silky grey cargo pants - Lane Bryant / dark purple skinny bely - NY&C / Brown wedges - LOFT

I knew I wanted to wear this fun graphic top and these silky grey cuffed cargo pants when I was picking out my outfit last night. I just really liked the combination of that bright kelly green with the steely neutral of the pants. Though it was going to be mid-80s today, I still wanted to layer, so I decided to try this great casual jacket with a stand-up collar, but with sleeves rolled up.  I needed more definition at the waist, so I added this deep purple belt.

I played around with various shoe options.  What I really wanted to wear was a comfy flip flop, but I knew that wouldn't be sophisticated enough and would pretty much defeat the intended vibe of the outfit - though I can't say for sure exactly what that is...  When I decided to try this wedge, I thought it looked the best - especially with the cuffed cargo pants. They make my legs look a mile long! I wish they were all that natural wood color, though, because I don't know if the darker brown completely works - even though I'm all for pairing browns and greys together. (I actually think it's a wonderfully sophisticated combination of neutrals.)

I think it still makes me a look a little boxy, but I like the rugged combination of the almost military-looking jacket and skinny belt. I think the purple in the belt is the perfect accent to the green top, too. The thing about skinny belts, though, is that they move around and get all wonky, especially over chunkier jackets like this.  I fussed with this issue all day, so I'm not sure I'd wear this combo again.

As for my accessories, I kept them simple.  This ring is my go-to casual ring. I can't NOT wear a ring, so this is what I put on when I don't want anything extravagant. The earrings are just a nice little double layered loop that I felt mimicked the ruggedly refined vibe (There! I found it!) of the whole outfit.

Sterling silver ring - Kohl's / Earrings - LOFT

Well, off to volleyball. Go Boomslangs!


  1. Uh oh, I'm already addicted to your blog and it's been about 15 minute since I learned about it AND even though it's 11:30pm, I want to shop now. I also love your photos--you look so cute and cheery in them (:

  2. Jessica, I went to school with Bob and have him as a fb friend. Everytime I looked at his photos, I've always thought you looked great! I too have curves and have often wanted to comment and ask him where some of your clothing/accessories came from...but thought it would too weird. So I'm pretty excited you have a blog!

  3. Hey, what a fun blog! Love the pictures; it's almost like I get to see you every day! I wish I could drag you along with me for my upcoming shopping expedition; I'm in need of some non-maternity clothes!!

    We miss you a ton, but it's nice to get a peek into your life in blog form!!

  4. This totally makes up for not seeing you at work yesterday... I literally wondered what you wore as I left last night. Is that creepy?

    As for volleyball... you are a goddess! And I'm right with you on the stepping out into more social group activities. So, you're not alone :)

  5. I'm so glad you found my blog....which subsequently led me to yours. I love your style and your fresh perspective on fashion. YOu have inspired two of my outfits so far this week!!

  6. thanks and welcome to everyone! I'm so glad you all like my blog. i'm having a blast doing this, if you can't tell!


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